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Principals of good load spread planning


A key element of our company ethos is to help our clients wherever we can, to ensure safe use and application of our products.The vast majority of our customers are very expeienced and knowledgeable on this topic, but where this is not the case, we aim to guide and help where we can.


We offer an unrivalled customer support service, ranging from a simple review of loadings / product suitability to presentations on the subject of construction plant load spread, tailored to suit company policy / best practice.


Here on our website we aim to expand this culture and provide a source of background information on the topic of mat use and load spread. We will offer an independent review of current conflicting practices and industry guidelines here in the UK and invite feedback to publish on our blog page.


This will take time to evolve, so please be patient and check back to our site whenever you can, as we will be adding relevant content on an ongoing basis.


If you have any ideas for inclusion on the site, don’t hesitate to contact us...we are here to listen and serve our valued customers.


Email us at the email address below with suggestions / feedback;


The Principal Stages of Load Spread Planning

  • Obtain / assess the ground bearing capacity in the working area, taking care to address all relevent proximity hazards. Use a temporary works engineer whenever practicable.
  • Accurately determine the applied plant load for the operation. If unsure, conservative / worst case loadings should be considered.
  • Consider load spread options - If supplied, are the standard mats offered with a machine of adequate size and strength for the ground / hardstanding? Consider none standard mats where these are inadequate or if none are supplied with the machine. Use a temporary works engineer whenever practicable.
  • Document the approved load spread method and communicate this to all relevant parties.
  • Ensure implementation of the planned method upon commencement of works.
  • Monitor load spread performance during operations. Be constantly vigilant for signs of over-loading the ground or mats. Timely evasive action can help to prevent stability related accidents.